- Diffuse color – Sets the diffuse color of the light.
- Diffuse affect – Sets the relative intensity (power) of the diffused light.
A Beam light shines a along the direction defined by Dir. It has a radial factor defined by Inner Radius and Outer Radius. Between the two radii values, the light intensity smoothly decreases.
- Intensity decay – Set the rate at which the lights power diminishes.
- Shadow Map – Shadow maps are generated by testing whether or not each specific pixel is visible from the light source. This accomplished by comparing each pixel to a depth image (z-buffer) of the light source's view, stored in the form of a texture file. Shadow maps can accelerate the rendering of shadows, but usually as the cost of some quality.
- Shadow Map Resolution – Sets the resolution of the shadow map. Values must be a multiples of 2.
- Shadow Map Blur – Sets a blur factor on the shadow map, reducing jagged edges and transitions.
Physical lights only support ray-traced shadows on the CPU. Physical lights converted to point lights are set to use ray-traced shadows (shadow maps for point lights can be expensive and are disabled in this case). Physical lights converted to area lights area set to use ray-traced shadows either.
- Power – Sets the power of the light in Watts.
Area light sources are surface lights that emit light from a rectangle.
- Intensity decay – Set the rate at which the lights power diminishes.
- Visible Geometry - Specifies whether the physical geometry of the associate 3D objects will be seen.
Sky Light
This physical skylight shape generates a light source that casts light from a dome surrounding the scene. In addition a skylight shape can create a physical sky texture that can be used in the rendering for direct visibility. A physical skylight shape is rendered on the CPU and is rendered by a sampled skydome on the GPU. The GPU rendering of the skylight is a good approximation of the real physical skylight rendered on the CPU.