- Activate UV mapping tools
- Select Image
- Select TC surface
- Choose command “Create segment by edges…” (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Start creating segments by edges
- Manual. To select edge loop manually by clicking one edge after the other. At every moment all selected edges should be connected. It means that user can select only those edges which have common vertices with already selected. And there is another limitation: in each vertex can only be two edges from the selected edge loop – it is a way of dealing with self-intersections.
- 2. Mixed manual and automatic. If user already have selected a few edges (not closed), he can try to close edge loop automatically by using command “Close current selected edge loop…” (Fig.2). In this case program will try to find the shortest path between ends of the current selected edges and connect them.
Figure 2. Automatic closing of the current selected edges
After finishing creating of the closed edge loop, user can create segment via command “Create segment by selection…” (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Create segment from closed edge loop
For the each closed edge loop it is possible to create two segments – one from internal facets, one from the external. The algorithm can sometimes choose internal domain and sometimes external. For the case when for example user wants to create segment from the internal domain but algorithm have chosen external domain (fig. 4), there is special command “Invert created segment…”, which help user to invert the segment’s creation (fig.5).
Figure 4. External instead of internal