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The Redsdk settings allow you to control how object appear when using the Redsdk for draft rendering and hidden line rendering.


The baking process for this model takes between a few seconds up to a few minutes, depending on the quality of the baked signal. Then, the replay of the baked cache is either performed in real-time or in software.

1.       Enable - Turns on/off GI cache. By default – Off.
2.       Save As - Saves the GI cache to a RED file. Enabled – if GI cache was created or loaded.
3.       Delete -  Clears the GI cache. Enabled – if GI cache was created or loaded.
4.       From file - Turn on/off GI cache loading from file. By default – Off Enabled – if GI cache is On
5.       File name - RED file name. By default – Empty Enabled – if GI cache is On and From file is On
6.       … (Browsing RED file) - Browsing RED file. Enabled – if GI cache is On and From file is On

7.       Active View or Render Style name - Source of parameters for GI cache creating. By default – Active View. Enabled – if GI Cache is On and From file is Off
8.       … (Browsing render style) Browsing render style. Enabled – if GI cache is On and From file is Off

9.       GI cache computation mode - Choosing GI cache computation mode. By default – Active Camera View. Enabled – if GI cache is On and From file is Off

Active Camera view

The GI cache is computed for the given camera only.

Around active camera position

The GI cache is computed for the whole set of directions around the camera position. The generated GI cache is then suitable to render panoramas.

Around the Named View camera positions

The GI cache is computed for the whole scene, without taking the camera into account.

Export to RED file: This option allows you to save the current RedSDK settings.