Note: If you need to save a drawing that is to be opened by an earlier version of DoubleCAD, you can use Save As and save to one version back i.e. In DoubleCAD 4 You can save as DoubleCAD 3.
2CT Import Setup
store render view:* Opens the drawing in render mode. The file must have been saved in render mode.
Anchor |
| TCW__TCT_Export_Setup |
| TCW__TCT_Export_Setup |
2CT Export Setup
ession:* Saves the file in the 2CT compressed format. If the speed of operation is more important than the file size, leave this option disabled.
ll Precision:* DoubleCAD stores your objects with the maximum possible accuracy.
Full Precision enables the maximum depth of mathematical calculations performed to generate and save entities. When disabled, entities will be calculated and saved using only to four decimal points of precision. This results in faster execution and smaller files, but may compromise accuracy.