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(LightWorks functionality is available with Only with the LightWorks Plug-in)

Most LightWorks Luminance documentation is available via a separate help file accessed from within TurboCAD.

You can access luminance properties via the Properties window of an object (see Object Properties), or by using the Luminances Palette (see Race98521). Image Removed Palette 

Image Added 


Note: If you are specifying luminance for the overall drawing, use the Render Scene Luminance. Drawing luminance can be applied either to the WCS (World Coordinate System) or UCS (User Coordinate System). See WCS and UCS.


Category: Three categories are provided for you, but you can create new ones.

Single: Defines only one light type. See Ring25216.

Complex: Defines two or more lights. See Ring20837. Flo Anchor6969resc  

Floresc Architec AV: A set of light types representing realistic lights, based on .ies files from Lithonia Lighting. These files are stored in the Luminance\Photometric\ies folder. *

Luminance: This field depends on the category. See the relevant section for details.

Edit Luminance: Opens the Luminance Editor. See Editing Luminances.Loa Anchor7070d

Load to render Luminance only: Check if you want to view only the object lights, and not the object itself.

Image Modified
Normal Render (Showing Object), and Load to Render Luminance Only



Light Types


There are several types of lights you can use to define an object's luminance. Each type has relevant parameters such as intensity, color, direction, and location.Am Anchor7373bient

Ambient: Illuminates all surfaces equally, regardless of orientation.Ar Anchor7474ea

Area: Simulates a luminous surface.Are Anchor7575a

Area Goniometric: Combines area and goniometric shaders.Ar Anchor7676, but models only sky light that passes through portals, such as a window or door. *Dis Anchor7777tant

Distant: Light that is constant and parallel (non-conical).Ey Anchor7878e

Eye: A light source located at the view point.Go Anchor7979niometric

Goniometric: Directional light, whose direction is specified by an .ies file (a text-based file). This luminance is useful for creating lighting based on manufacturers' lighting data, such as room lights, building lights, and street lights. *P Anchor8080oint

Point: Light from a selected position.Pr Anchor8181ojector

Projector: Projects a graphic image onto a solid object. An image file with full path must be specified.Si Anchor8282mple

Simple Environment: A light shader that uses an environment map to light a scene.Sim Anchor8383ple

Simple Sky: A simplified sky shader which models the illumination from a uniformly bright, single-color, hemispherical dome representing the sky.Sk Anchor8484y

Sky: An area light that simulates sky light, providing soft and natural shadows. This light is modeled as a hemisphere of infinite radius, positioned above the center of the model.S Anchor8585pot

Spot: Provides directional light that is constrained to a cone.Su Anchor8686n

Sun: Projects a spot light from a very distant point, to simulates outdoor sunlight. You can combine Sun and Sky lights for a realistic rendering effect.


Single Luminance


88Defines only one light. You can select one of the provided luminances, or create a new luminance via the Luminance Editor (see Editing Luminances).Examples of Single Luminance light types are shown below.

Spot Light

Point Light

Projector (Projects an Image)


Complex Luminance


Spot and Point Lights.

Spot, Point, and Distant Lights.

Point and Two Spot Lights