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Available in TurboCAD Pro and Platinum only
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Creates a 3D object by connecting 2D profiles. The profiles lie on different planes, and the planes do not have to be parallel. The profiles are connected using NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational b-Spline) calculations.
The profiles can be closed or open, but they must be consistent - all open or all closed.

  1. If you want to select only simple (single-object) curves, make sure sure Use Compound Profile is  is not selected selected. 
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  2. Select the profiles, in the desired order. Selection order is important
  3. Select Select Finish from  from the local menu, or double-click on the last profile, to create the loft.
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The loft has no sharp corners at the profiles.
To create corners, you can creates two separate lofts.
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If you use open profiles, a 3D surface will result.
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Lofting with Compound Profiles
A compound profile is an open or closed chain of connected curves. You can use compound profiles when you do not want to create a polyline, or convert a chain into a polyline.

  1. Make sure sure Use Compound Profile is  is selected.
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  2. Select the compound profile, which is automatically identified as a chain. To deselect any curve in the chain, select it again (it will turn green). In this example, Profile 1 is a series of connected lines, not a polyline.
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  3. When the profile is selected, click click Finish Selection of Profile, or select it from the local menu.
  4. Select the next profiles using the same steps. If subsequent profiles are simple (not compound), you can turn off off Use Compound Profile. Image Removed
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  5. When the last profile is selected, click click Finish or  or select it from the local menu.
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    Note: Compound  Compound profiles can be modified, which updates the 3D objects upon which they are based. See See Profile Editing.
  6. Lofting with Guide Lines
    You can specify guides lines when creating the loft object. In this example, the lower circle and upper square are the loft profiles. The four curves between the profiles are guide lines.
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  7. Activate Activate Loft, and select the loft profiles in the desired order.
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  8. Click Click Select Guide Lines, or select it from the local menu.
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  9. Select each of the guide lines.
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  10. Click Click Finish or  or select it from the local menu. The 3D object transitions between the loft profiles, following each of the guide lines.
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    Guide Lines
    Guide lines can be arcs, 2D or 3D Splines or lines. Beziers, and polyline cannot be used as guide lines. Guide line must touch every profile used in the loft. One end of each guide line must terminate on the first profile used in the loft The other end of that guide line must terminate on the last profile used in the loft. If guide lines do not meet these requirements they will be ignored.

Lofting with Points

Points can be used in lofting. Note: Shaped points may be used but not the cross shape.

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The shape of the point effects the shape of the resulting loft.

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View file
nameTC2016 - Lofting Through Point.mp4

Lofting Shape Properties

The The Properties window  window of a loft contains a Lofting Shape page page, in which you can minimize twist.
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Miinimize Twist
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Effect of Minimize Twist For
For TC Surface Options, see see TC Surface Properties.