Specify method for the UV parametrization
Projection - In this case for the UV parametrization of each facet the coordinates are projected on a certain plane
Use current UV data - In this case it is used the texture coordinates which are already set. This method can be useful for the models which come from other programs, where the texture coordinates were set (on the picture below it is possible to see the example for the model from SketchUP).
LSCM (Triangles) (Available in TurboCAD Pro Platinum Only) - Least Squares Conformal Maps is a more complex algorithm, which allows us to receive better unwrapping results. There is one important restriction for the current implementation of this algorithm, namely all facets must be triangles.
For example, this segment has facets which are practically orthogonal to each other
The result is as follows with the Projection method.
However, with LSCM the following results will occur.
Specify the projection direction for UV parametrization
Note: This option is valid only for the Projection method.
Z-axis - In this case as a projection direction the Z – axis of the current workplane is used.
Specify the parameters direction for UV parametrization
Fix self-intersections in 2D parts - This option affects the presence of self-intersecting facets in 2D parts. This can lead to artifacts in rendering. When this option is enabled, during unwrapping presence of self-intersections is checked, and an attempt of resegmentation is made with the purpose to remove self-intersections. This procedure may take a few iterations and considerable time but it is recommended for the complex bodies.