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This functionality provides the means to attach one or several blocks to window and doors to provide additional geometry e.g. a window sill, door knob, shutters.
You can attach custom block to entire window/door or to different parts.
To make a door with components you must create the block first. The block used for this must be composed only of ACIS solids.
Multiple muntin blocks can be assigned to each style. This allows you to have different patterns of muntins for each panel of glass, or to combine muntin patterns.
To setup muntins component please do the following:


Insertion Point controls group

X: combo-box: Defines how the block's origin is attached relative to window/door in X Axis (to Left Side, Center or Right Side)
Y: combo-box: Defines how the block's origin is attached relative to window/door in Y Axis (to Back Side, Center or Front Side)
Z: combo-box: Defines how the block's origin is attached relative to window/door in Z Axis (to Bottom Side, Center or Top Side)
X: Y: Z: edit boxes: define the offset from block origin point

Component Controls Group

Frame Component:

Outside - block is attached to entire window
Inside - block is attached to inside frame


Note: Block used for Custom Blocks must be composed of ACIS solids. For best results align your block with the origin of the drawing.


Make Block

1. Select the box and select Format | Create Block.

2. Enter "Custom Sill" as the Block name and click OK.

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3. Navigate to the style manager palette, select Standard window style and click the Block property in the properties of the window style.

4. The Custom Block dialog opens. It contains a list of all the blocks that are attached to the window style.  

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5. Click the Add button to add new block to the window style.

6. The Custom Block Editor dialog opens.

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7. Click the Block combo-box and select the desired block.  

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8. Right click on the preview pane to display pop-up menu and select Isometric_SE item from it (to have better point of view)

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9. Now let's adjust the block size and position.

10. Check Width check box (to scale the block width to the width of window).

11. Select Back from Y: combo-box (to place the block to back side of window)

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12. Click OK.

13. Click OK again.

14. Now create a wall in drawing and insert a window (of Standard style) into it.

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