Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This palette tool provides the ability to export the point data from your drawing. 

TC Coordinates Options

Before exporting your point data it is best practice to configure the data output. Click the Options button to open the Options dialogue. Once open you can specify what data to export and the format of the data. 


  • End points of curves (including 3D curves)
  • Control points of curves (exclude end points)

TC Coordinates Advanced Options

Clicking the Advanced button in the TC Coordinates Options dialogue opens the Advanced Options dialogue which allows you to configure how points are to be analyzed and how they are to be exported. These options include:


  • Add point's type: Appends the points object type to the location data
  • Add point's CS mode: Appends the points Coordinate System info to the location data.
  • Automatically save to file: Prompts to save the data to file every time you click the Export button.
  • Automatically copy to clipboard: Automatically adds the data to the system clipboard when you click the Export button.

Output result format:

CSV Delimiters symbol: Specifies the data divider (delimiter) to be used in output. There are three options.


  • CR + LF
  • CR (Carriage Return)
  • LF (Line Feed)

Using TC Coordinates

To use TC Coordinates simply click the Export button.
