Available in TurboCAD Pro, Platinum and Deluxe only
By applying materials to a 3D object, you can obtain a more realistic view of the model during a render.An object's materials can be seen in Quality render mode, and in certain types of Draft rendering.Several materials and categories are provided by default. You can create a new material via the Render Manager (E.g. Editing LightWorks Materials).

Differences between LightWorks and RedSDK materials

Representation, storage structures and all other elements are completely identical for LightWorks and RedSDK Luminances, Environments and Render Styles. At the same time the two sets of materials have a number of differences, which are described in more detail below:

In all these cases a relative path to the RED file will be used. A user can use any other custom RED file, however, In this case, an absolute path will be used.

    1. Create from a custom RED file.
    2.  Create it from a special copy of the default RED file. Therefore, when the first new material is created in the Render Manager a new *.RED file is created as a copy of the default RED file.


There is a  RedSDK material specific UI control which displays the path to the *.RED. 


This control is used for these cases:

When the RedSDK material contains relative path to the *.RED file. Pressing the Abs. path button user can see the absolute path which is used for loading of the RED file.

By pressing the Rel. path button the user can return to the state where the relative path is displayed.