Nine types of RedSDK luminances are provided you can create and edit any of the following using the Render manager.

Ambient Light


An ambient light adds a constant omni-directional light source. The primary reason to use ambient lighting is to lighten a scene or avoid getting a totally blacked-out scene.



Beam Light


A Beam light shines a along the direction defined by Dir. It has a radial factor defined by Inner Radius and Outer Radius. Between the two radii values, the light intensity smoothly decreases.




Directional Light

A Directional light shines a along the direction defined by Dir. and continues infinitely in that direction and at the same intensity.

Directional lights can't cast shadow maps. Beam lights are also directional lights but that are able to use shadow mapping.


Physical Light


A physical light source - shaped as a rectangle in this specific example

A physical light uses the definition of light sources from physical parameters issued from lamp manufacturers. A physical light is associated to a mesh ( The 3D Object associated with the Luminance) that defines the light surface that will emit light in the scene. Therefore a physical light can be of any shape.
Physical lights are rendered on the CPU using sampling and are approximated on the GPU. There are two possible approximations for a physical light on the GPU:

Physical lights only support ray-traced shadows on the CPU. Physical lights converted to point lights are set to use ray-traced shadows (shadow maps for point lights can be expensive and are disabled in this case). Physical lights converted to area lights area set to use ray-traced shadows either.



Point Light


The point light is a centric light. It produces an lighting in all directions around the point light.


Rectangular Area Light


Area light sources are surface lights that emit light from a rectangle. 



Rectangular Physical Light

A Physical Rectangle light uses the definition of light sources from physical parameters issued from lamp manufacturers. A Physical Rectangle light uses a rectangle that defines the light surface that will emit light in the scene.

Physical lights are rendered on the CPU using sampling and are approximated on the GPU. There are two possible approximations for a physical light on the GPU:

Physical lights only support ray-traced shadows on the CPU. Physical lights converted to point lights are set to use ray-traced shadows (shadow maps for point lights can be expensive and are disabled in this case). Physical lights converted to area lights area set to use ray-traced shadows either.


Sky Light


This physical skylight shape generates a light source that casts light from a dome surrounding the scene. In addition a skylight shape can create a physical sky texture that can be used in the rendering for direct visibility. A physical skylight shape is rendered on the CPU and is rendered by a sampled skydome on the GPU. The GPU rendering of the skylight is a good approximation of the real physical skylight rendered on the CPU.


Spot light


The spot light source is a centric light. It produces an isotropic lighting in all directions issued from the spot cone apex. The lighting emitted by the spot light decreases at the spot cone borders. A spot light is defined in a two steps code:

Intensity decay

A light source in the Red engine may have a decay of its intensity, based on the distance between the lit point and the light source center. The lit point is always the geometrical point at the pixel center of the lit pixel. A light source may have a center or not. If it has no center, then it does not support the intensity decay calculation.

Intensity is 1 for the entire light source effect area.

Inverse Linear
Intensity linearly decreases as the lit point moves away from the light. INTENSITY = IMAX / DISTANCE; where IMAX = ATT[0].

Inverse Quadratic
Intensity decreases using a quadratic equation as the lit point moves away from the light. INTENSITY = IMAX / POW(DISTANCE,2); where IMAX = ATT[0].

Inverse Cubic
Intensity decreases using a cubic equation as the lit point moves away from the light. INTENSITY = IMAX / POW(DISTANCE,3); where IMAX = ATT[0].

Inverse Linear Quadratic
Intensity decreases using a ratio between the current distance to the lit point and a reference distance. INTENSITY = 1 - POW(DISTANCE / DMAX,2); where DMAX = ATT[0].

Quadratic Relative Distance
Intensity uses a 2nd order equation: INTENSITY = 1 / ( 1 + KLIN * DISTANCE + KQUA * DISTANCE); where ATT[0] = KLIN and ATT[1] = KQUA.

No Decay 3DSMax
3DSMax decay. Near and far attenuation distances can be used, and the intensity does not vary with the distance besides that. INTENSITY = 1.

Inverse Linear 3DSMax 
3DSMax decay. Near and far attenuation distances can be used, and the intensity decreases using the following equation: INTENSITY = min( 1, DREF / D ); where DREF = ATT[0].

Inverse Quadratic 3DSMax
3DSMax decay. Near and far attenuation distances can be used, and the intensity decreases using the following equation: INTENSITY = min( 1, POW(DREF / D,2) ); where DREF = ATT[0].