Render Manager Options

Render Manager Options



You can specify how the Render Manager is displayed by selecting either Classic or Palette-Like


  • Variable sized preview.
  • Tree can be hidden.
  • Each category of components is displayed on separate tabs.


  • Fixed square preview area (240x240) 
  • The tree  cannot be hidden.
  • While resizing the dialog, only the tree’s height and the properties area size change.
  • All properties of the main shader are shown on one page. Components of sub shaders are shown on separate pages.


The Palette-like option is always used when the Render manager is accessed from object properties.



Low Level: Loads the minimal set of componenets - Active components ‐ Active components as well as those for the components in only the current type’s ﴾Material, Luminance, Environment or Render Style﴿ category.

Medium Level: Loads a subset of components ‐ Active components as well as all categories for only the current Material, Luminance, Environment or Render Style type.

High Level: Loads a full set of components ‐ All Active components as well as all types and categories.


How these function:





Called from application menu

Load only one shader set type (for ex. only materials)

Load all of one shaders set type (for ex. only materials)

Load all shaders sets of all types

Called from palette – selection exists

Equal to the “Single Entrance”

Load all of one shaders set type (for ex. only materials)

Load all shaders sets of all types

Called from palette – no selection

Load only one category

Load all of one shaders set type (for ex. only materials)

Load all shaders sets of all types


The Filter options in the respective palettes (Materials, Luminances etc.) will further control what will be loaded into the Render manager. As follows:


Show Only Active drawing shader manager

Show all open Drawing Shaders managers

Show Application Shaders manager

Called from application menu




Called from palette


Yes (if  “Show all drawings” is checked)

Yes  (if “Show all drawings” is checked)


Choosing the Render Engine for loading in Render Manager





Called from application menu

Yes (if “Edit RedSDK…” was pressed)

Yes (if “Edit LightWorks…” was pressed)


Called from palette

Yes (if “RW” filtration button is pressed)

Yes (if “LW” filtration button is pressed)

Yes  (if “All” filtration button is pressed)




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