Render (Camera) Properties

Render (Camera) Properties

The properties for all render modes contain the following parameters:
*Fore ground Wireframe:* Controls wireframe display in render mode. These parameters can be helpful when objects are hidden by other objects, or when not all objects are rendered.
*Nonr enderable Objects:* If checked, objects that cannot be rendered are displayed as wireframes during rendering. Nonrenderable objects include most 2D objects, though some 2D objects can be rendered, such as images.

If not checked, these objects will not be seen.

*Ren derable Objects:* Displays the contour lines of renderable objects. Renderable objects include 3D objects and certain 2D objects such as images.


Wire frame Properties

Parameters for wireframe display.

Rendering type: The graphics engine that will be used to create the render. The differences between the options relate to the different libraries used for object representation.
OpenGL: All contour lines are displayed.
LightWorks: All contour lines are displayed, but color is not displayed.
Native Wireframe: The standard wireframe mode. For fast drawing, only main contour lines are displayed for ACIS objects.
Rendering mode: The available modes depend on the rendering type:
Wireframe: All contour lines are displayed.
*W ire OpenGL:* One-color wireframe rendering.
*W ire Material Color OpenGL:* Adds color highlighting in accordance with LightWorks algorithms.
Native Wireframe: The standard wireframe mode. For fast drawing, only the main contour lines are displayed for ACIS objects.

Hid den Line Properties

Parameters for Hidden Line rendering (see Creating a Rendered View).

Rendering type: The graphics engine that will be used to create the render.
Hidden Line: The standard display mode - transparent rendering.
LightWorks: A for of Non-transparent rendering Hidden lines are completely hidden.
Redsdk: Uses the Redsdk engine for hidden line mode. See the Redsdk section for details on controlling display with Redsdk. This option is only available if Native Draw is set to Redsdk.
Rendering mode: The following modes are available for both rendering types:
Hidden Line: Displays only the contour. Display of intersections and hidden lines depends on the options on the lower part of window. Colors are displayed.
*Hid den OpenGL:* Non-transparent wireframe render, suppresses hidden lines. Colors are not displayed.
*Hidde n Material Color OpenGL:* Non-transparent wireframe rendering, with suppressed hidden lines. Materials and lighting are also rendered.
Redsdk Hidden Line: Uses the Redsdk engine for hidden line mode. See the Redsdk section for details on controlling display with Redsdk. This option is only available if Native Draw is set to Redsdk.
*Alw :_* Creates cross-sections by placing a camera inside the object. This means that the object will be "cut" by a plane perpendicular to the camera view direction.
Draw hidden line as dashed: Displays all hidden lines as dashed.

Set custom hidden line: Enables you to specify a custom line for hidden lines. Click Edit to open the Pen Properties window (see Properties Window.)
Draw Intersections: Displays the lines of object intersections.

Conceptual (Dr aft) Render Properties

Parameters for Draft rendering (see Creating a Rendered View).

Rendering Type: The graphics engine that will be used to create the render.
*O penGL:* Allows quick rendering in order to gauge the shape and placement of objects. Because of its speed, OpenGL is best suited for walk-throughs to quickly review the structure of the drawing, but not to show all details. For example, an object's pen color is used rather than its defined material.
*Li ghtWorks:* Used to create higher quality renders, but can take time.
Redsdk: Uses the Redsdk engine for draft rendering. See the Redsdk section for details on controlling display with Redsdk. This option is only available if Native Draw is set to Redsdk.
Rendering Mode: The available modes depend on the rendering type:
*Fl at:* LightWorks' fastest method, produces images quickly but with low image quality. Each facet is painted uniformly with an average color.
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*F lat OpenGL:* LightWorks OpenGL's fastest but lowest-quality method, does not support smoothing.
*S mooth OpenGL:* The most commonly-used LightWorks OpenGL method, and the default for Draft rendering. Speed and quality are optimized.
Redsdk Draft: Uses the Redsdk engine for draft rendering. See the Redsdk section for details on controlling display with Redsdk. This option is only available if Native Draw is set to Redsdk.