Using Search

Using Search

Search in Files GeoMarks Layers and Layouts

By default a search will locate items that contain the entire phrase of the search text.

To search for alternative patterns of text you can use either “or” or a comma (,) to function as the logical dis-junction (OR)

To search for composite patterns of text you can use the ampersand (&) to function as the logical conjunction function (AND).

EXAMPLE: GeoMark 1, 2, 3 – will search GeoMarks that contain: GeoMark 1 or 2 or 3

Searching supports specific codes that function in specific areas of the application (e.g. File Manager, GeoMarks list, Layer list, Bookmarks) to refine the search pattern.


Many of the search codes can be combined by using the & function.

EXAMPLE: Notes: My GeoMark & Title: mark 2, 3, 4 – will find only the GeoMarks which contain mark 2 or 3 or 4 in the Title and the notes also contain the phrase My geomark.


IMPORTANT: Search does not support quotes, so the complete sentence after the operator until further supported operators. 


The File Manager supports the following search codes:

  • Name: search for files by name
  • Size: search for files of a certain size
  • Lastwrite: search for files by last modified date


The colon (:) is a part of these search codes.


The GeoMarks list supports the following search codes:

  • Title: search by the name/title of GeoMarks 
  • Notes: search for GeoMarks that mention phrases in notes
  • Status: search GeoMarks  for the status in the punch list
  • Assign: search GeoMarks for contacts in the a punch list (First Name + Last Name)
  • Videos: search GeoMarks  for the presence of a punch list video (yes / no Now: true/false)
  • Audios: search GeoMarks  for the presence of a punch list audio (yes / no Now: true/false)
  • Photos: search GeoMarks for the presence of a punch list photo (yes / no Now: true/false)

Layer List supports the following search codes:

  • Title: search by name layers
  • Visible: search layers visibility (visible / invisible )