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If a texture map is selected, the mapped image will be used to color the material.

Image/texture Maps

texture maps are images used in pattern, reflection, transmission and bump to establish the pattern of the effect. All texture maps are assumed to be square. If the image used is not square it will be stretched/compacted into a square texture map, possibly deforming the texture.


There are several parameters that control how texture maps affect a material. 


The browse button opens a File Open dialog from which you can browse for a texture map file (supported file formats are JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP).Channel

NOTE: This feature is not yet implemented and will inactive in the current application from future versions of the RedSDK editor.

Offset U

This offsets the texture map horizontally. Each unit of offset equals 1 Space Unit (mm, in. etc.) as specified in the Model space.

Offset by 0.5 Horizontally

Image Added Image Added

Offset V

This offsets the texture map vertically. Each unit of offset equals 1 Space Unit (mm, in. etc.) as specified in the Model space.

Offset by 0.5 Vertically.

Image Added Image Added

Scale U

This scales the texture map horizontally. The value specifies the number of time the texture map will fit in 1 Space Unit (mm, in. etc.) as specified in the Model space. For example if the Space Unit is 1 inch, and if the scale is set to 2, the texture map will repeat 2 times within 1 inch. If the scale were changed to 0.2 it would take 5 inches to display the entire texture map.

Scaled by 2 Horizontally.

Image Added Image Added

Scale V

This scales the texture map vertically. The value specifies the number of time the texture map will fit in 1 Space Unit (mm, in. etc.) as specified in the Model space. For example if the Space Unit is 1 inch, and if the scale is set to 2, the texture map will repeat 2 times within 1 inch. If the scale were changed to 0.2 it would take 5 inches to display the entire texture map.

Scaled by 4 Vertically. 

Image Added Image Added


This Rotates the texture map by the number of degrees specified.

Rotated by 30 degrees 

Image Added Image Added

All texture maps are assumed to be square. If the image used is not square it will be stretched/compacted into a square texture map, possibly deforming the texture.

The size of all texture maps is equal to one unit of the currently defined Space Unit in the Model space. For example if the Space Unit is set to inches the all texture maps are 1in. by 1in. If the Space Unit is in millimeters then the texture map is 1mm. by 1mm. The resulting texture can then be modified by scaling.

There are several parameters that control how texture maps affect a material.



The browse button opens a File Open dialog from which you can browse for a texture map file (supported file formats are JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP).


NOTE: This feature is not yet implemented and will inactive in the current application from future versions of the RedSDK editor.

Offset U

This offsets the texture map horizontally. Each unit of offset equals 1 Space Unit (mm, in. etc.) as specified in the Model space.

Offset by 0.5 Horizontally


Offset V

This offsets the texture map vertically. Each unit of offset equals 1 Space Unit (mm, in. etc.) as specified in the Model space.

Offset by 0.5 Vertically.


Scale U

This scales the texture map horizontally. The value specifies the number of time the texture map will fit in 1 Space Unit (mm, in. etc.) as specified in the Model space. For example if the Space Unit is 1 inch, and if the scale is set to 2, the texture map will repeat 2 times within 1 inch. If the scale were changed to 0.2 it would take 5 inches to display the entire texture map.

Scaled by 2 Horizontally.


Scale V

This scales the texture map vertically. The value specifies the number of time the texture map will fit in 1 Space Unit (mm, in. etc.) as specified in the Model space. For example if the Space Unit is 1 inch, and if the scale is set to 2, the texture map will repeat 2 times within 1 inch. If the scale were changed to 0.2 it would take 5 inches to display the entire texture map.

Scaled by 4 Vertically. 



This Rotates the texture map by the number of degrees specified.

Rotated by 30 degrees 



This category defines a material's luster: its brightness, polish, dullness, etc. For example, a brick's reflectance is "Matte" - it is flat and does not reflect light.

Image Removed
Reflectance of most metals is "Conductor" - a set of parameters designed to simulate how metals interact with light.

  Image Removed
Glass has its own Reflectance settings.

Image Removed
Some stone materials have "Mirror" reflectance to simulate shininess.

Image Removed 



Reflections can be anisotropic, Fresnel-style and glossy. All those effects need dedicated parameters to be modeled.

If set to color, that color will be the degree of reflection of the material.

Image Added
If a texture map is selected the mapped image will be used to control the reflection of the material.

Image Added
Both the color and any texture map rely on classical RGB format coding for the reflection. White (RGB 0, 0, 0) equals total reflection, and Black (RGB 256, 256, 256) equals zero reflection.

Example of an applied texture map for reflection with anisotropy

Image Added


The anisotropy parameter varies in [0, 1] and describes how the reflection is oriented regarding to the surface orientation. Some real-life materials are well-known anisotropic ones: CD-ROM surface or hairs and fur for example. By default, a value of 0.5 makes the material isotropic (i.e. reflections do not vary with the orientation of the surface). Make the value smaller or greater to slightly modify the way the light is reflected at the material surface.

Image Added Image Added Image Added

Click and drag the slider to change the orientation of the anisotropy.

The Samples Count changes the refinement of the anisotropy significantly.

Image Added


The glossiness parameter controls how much the reflections are blurry. The samples parameter controls the noise level of the glossy reflections. Differences in the Glossiness setting can be seen below.
Glossiness at 0.01

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Glossiness at 0.05

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Glossiness at 0.99
Image Added

Fresnel Reflection

Fresnel support is essential as it is the way real surfaces interact with the light. The strength of the reflection generally depends on the viewing angle (the angle between the observer and the surface normal).

Fresnel reflection OFF
Image Added

Fresnel reflection ON
Image Added

Specular Highlights

Note: This feature has been deprecated as redundant and will be excised from future versions of the RedSDK editor.



This category is relevant for transparent glass and plastic materials. For example, "Eroded" transparency simulates a bumpy or uneven glass surface.

  Image Removed
Not all glass or plastic materials have Transparency defined. For example, "Tinted Glass" is smooth, and its transparency is actually defined as part of the "Glass" reflectance.

  Image Removed
Image Removed
This is a good example of how complex, and powerful, the TurboCAD materials engine is. You can get similar results by defining parameters in different categories.In other words it controls how light moves through a material.


Note: If Fresnel is not checked reflection may overpower transmission effects.


If set to color, that color will be the degree of transmission of the material.

Image Added

If a texture map is selected the mapped image will be used to control the transmission of the material.

Image Added
Both the color and any texture map rely on classical RGB format coding for the reflection. White (RGB 0, 0, 0) equals total transmission, and Black (RGB 256, 256, 256) equals zero transmission.
Color also affects the color of light transmitted through the material.

Transmission color set to grey, and the Diffusion color is set to white.
 Image Added

Transmission color set to red, and the Diffusion color is set to white.
 Image Added

Transmission color set to grey, and the Diffusion color is set to red
 Image Added

Transmission color set to red, and the Diffusion color is set to red.
 Image Added

As for the reflections, transmission can be glossy or not. Therefore, the same glossiness controlling parameters that are available for reflections are available for transmission.

IOR (Index of Refraction)

What makes the transmission effect acting like a magnifying/minifying glass is the Index of Refraction (IOR) of the material. Users can enter the value they need in the IOR field of choose one in the drop-down list (amongst various real-life material IORs).

IOR set to 1.00
Image Added

IOR set to 2.00
 Image Added

See how in the previous image, the Total Internal Reflection (TIR) increases with the increasing IOR. In jewelry, where materials have strong IORs, the TIR effect is responsible for most of the final appearance of the object and must be carefully handled.

Example of an applied texture map for transmission
Image Added


NoteIOR has zero affect when transmission uses a texture map.




This category enables you to make a surface appear rough or bumpy. The rendering engine simulates shadows along the surface to create the textured effect. For example, you can define a Leather texture.

"Ice" is defined with a rough texture.


This category defines how a pattern or image wraps around surfaces of a 3D object.For materials, such as Granite, the wrapping is defined as "None," which pastes the pattern without distortion onto faces along the three major planes.
  Image Removed

The "UV" wrapping is similar to "None" except that you can specify how the pattern is scaled.
With "Auto Axis" the pattern is oriented according to the WCS, regardless of where the faces of the 3D object are located and oriented.
You can also specify the axis along which the pattern will be projected.This allows you to give more details to surfaces without paying the cost of detailed modeling, users can setup their materials to use bump mapping.

Image Added

The supplied texture map is automatically converted to a normal map and therefore must be given in a classical RGB format to encode the elevation. The amount of bump can be tuned through the scale factor. White (RGB 0, 0, 0) equals the highest points in the map, and while Black (RGB 256, 256, 256) equals lowest points in the map.

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