Property Value Presets

, etc.) defined for a group of tools. For example, you can have one preset to create blue, dashed lines on Layer 5, and use another preset to create red thick lines on Layer 2. Presets provide a convenient way to quickly assign a set of properties to objects.
Presets can be accessed on the General page of an active tool's Properties window. Presets are only applicable to tools, not objects. You cannot apply a preset to selected objects. You can define a style based on the properties of selected objects by using the Format Painter.
To create a new preset:

  1. Right-click on an icon for a group of tools to open the tool's Properties window. The tool must be active for the Property Values Presets field to be editable.
    Note: Properties set for a tool affect all other tools in its group. For instance, setting Line properties affects Rectangle, Polygon, etc. Presets are separate for different sets of tools.
  2. On the General page, enter a new preset name and click New.
  3. Make any changes to the other properties (Pen, Brush, etc.). The available properties depend on the type of object (for example, the Properties window for Text tools contains a Text page). These properties will be saved to the new preset.

To edit an existing preset, select it from the Property Values Presets menu and make any property changes.

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