RedSDK Environment Properties

RedSDK supports three Environment types:

  • Plain
  • Environment Map
  • Sky


Plain sets the background a selected color.

  • Color Slider - Use the slider to adjust the Hue/Value ratio
  • Color Button - Click the Color button to open the Select Color dialog.

Environment Map

The Environment map use two components, both optional.

Cube Map - This generates a 3 dimensional image projected surround the center of the drawing at an infinite distance.

Background - This generates a virtual image which is used to generate background imagery in reflective materials.


  • Cube Map File Name – Name and Location of the Cube image.
  • Cube Map Projection Type – Type of the environment to project.
    • SPHERICAL – Environment mapping type for The source image must be a latitude / longitude spherical map. The (u,v) = (0,0.5) texture map point intersects the X axis of the cube map; the (u,v) = (0,1) texture map point intersects the Z axis of the cube map.
    • CYLINDRICAL – Environment mapping type for The source image is wrapped as a cylinder to define the cube map. The cylinder axis is aligned with the Z axis of the cube map. The (u,v) = (0,0.5) point is mapped along the X axis of the cube map.
    • HEMISPHERICAL – Environment mapping type for The source image must be a latitude / longitude hemispherical map. This is similar to the ENV_SPHERICAL mapping considering only the part of the map above the line of horizon. The (u,v) = (0,0) texture map point intersects the X axis of the cube map; the (u,v) = (0,1) texture map point intersects the Z axis of the cube map.
  • Cube Map Size – Size in pixels of the cube map faces (must be power of two).
  • Cube Map Border Color – Border color of the source image.
  • Cube Map U Wrap Mode –U wrap mode of the source image.
    • REPEAT – Repeat the texture pattern out of the texture's limits.
    • MIRRORED REPEAT – Repeat the texture pattern with an inversion of the texture out of the texture's limits.
    • CLAMP – The texture sampling result is zero outside of the texture's limits.
    • CLAMP TO_EDGE – The texture sampling results remain slightly inside the texture when it's out of the texture's limits.
    • CLAMP TO_BORDER – The texture sampling results are set to the texture's border color when it's out of the texture's limits.
  • Cube Map V Wrap Mode –V wrap mode of the source image.
    • REPEAT – Repeat the texture pattern out of the texture's limits.
    • MIRRORED REPEAT – Repeat the texture pattern with an inversion of the texture out of the texture's limits.
    • CLAMP – The texture sampling result is zero outside of the texture's limits.
    • CLAMP TO EDGE – The texture sampling results remain slightly inside the texture when it's out of the texture's limits.
    • CLAMP TO BORDER – The texture sampling results are set to the texture's border color when it's out of the texture's limits.
  • Cube Map Format – Pixel format of to be used in calculating the Cube.
    • RGBA – 8 bits per component, 32 bits per pixel, RGBA in memory.
    • RGB – 8 bits per component, 24 bits per pixel, RGB in memory.
    • FLOAT – s1e8m23 IEEE floating point format. 32 bits per pixel.
    • FLOAT RGBA – 1 float per component, 128 bits per pixel, RGBA in memory.
    • FLOAT RGB – 1 float per component, 96 bits per pixel, RGB in memory.
    • L8 – 8 bits per component, 8 bits per pixel, L in memory. Loaded as a (L,L,L,1) texture on the GPU.
    • A8 – 8 bits per component, 8 bits per pixel, A in memory. Loaded as a (0,0,0,A) texture on the GPU.
    • RGBA DXT1 – Compressed image format (lossy). Uses one bit for alpha values. It is the largest compressed form along with RGB DXT1
    • RGBA DXT3 – Compressed image format (lossy). Uses a better encoding for alpha values. Uses more memory than RGBA DXT1
    • RGBA DXT5 – Compressed image format (lossy). Uses the best alpha encoding that is available for these compressed formats. Uses the same memory amount as the RGBA DXT3
    • RGB DXT1 – Compressed image format (lossy). It is the largest compressed form along with  RGBA DXT1.
    • HALF FLOAT – Half-float format. 16 bits per pixel.
    • HALF FLOAT RGBA – Half-float RGBA format. 16 bits per component, 48 bits per pixel.
    • HALF FLOAT RGB – Half-float RGB format. 16 bits per component, 64 bits per pixel.
    • FLOAT RGBA AA – Float RGBA format for anti-aliased images. 128 bits per pixel.
  • Background File Name – Name and Location of the Background image.
  • Background U Wrap Mode – Pixel U wrap mode of the source image.
  • Background V Wrap Mode – Pixel V wrap mode of the source image. 


This environment generates a sky and if desired a light source that cast light from a dome surrounding the scene.  


  • Width – Sets the width of the defining rectangle.
  • Hemispherical – When On the generated map will cover a hemisphere, Off the generated map will cover a whole sphere.
  • Turbidity – Sets the amount of particles present in the atmosphere. A turbidity of 1 means a perfect clear sky, while a turbidity of 5 means an average haziness sky. The valid range of turbidity values is [1, 10].
  • Albedo – Sets the ground albedo defining how much light is reflected back to the sky by the ground. The valid range of ground albedo values is [0, 1].
  • AlbedoColor – Sets the color of the Albedo.
  • SunDir – sets direction to the sun relative to the associated 3D object.
  • IncludeSun – When On the direct sun contribution is added to the texture. Otherwise no sun is included (E.g in the case of a very cloudy sky).
  • Scale – Sets the scale factor to be applied to each pixel in the texture. Set it to 1.0 to create a physically accurate texture of the sky. Lower values can be used to simulate the effect of clouds or environment on the sky intensity.
  • Saturation – Sets the saturation factor applied to each pixel in the texture. Set it to 1.0 to create a texture with vivid colors. A lower value will make the sky look more gray and less colorful. The valid range of values is [0, 1]. This can be used to simulate the effect of clouds or environment on the skys intensity