Grid Options

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Grid Options

Controls the grid type, size, and display. You can set up different grid properties for Model Space and Paper Space. See Grid.

Show grid: Equivalent to displaying the grid using the Grid menu or Grid toolbar.

Hide grid when finer than: This value applies to distances on your screen which are not related to World or Paper units.

Type: These grid types are based, by default, on a horizontal baseline. This can be changed on the Advanced Grid page.

Ortho: Orthogonal grid.

Isometric: Aligned along lines measured 30º and 150º from the horizontal axis. This type of grid is used in isometric drawing, which uses perspective drawing techniques to represent 3D objects.

Polar: Points in the polar grid radiate from the origin, and are aligned by their radial distance from the origin and their angular distance from the horizontal axis.

Style: Select Points (dots at each grid point), Crosses (crosses at each main grid point), or Lines (graph paper).

Spacing: Sets the distance between all grid lines, major and minor, without respect to frequency. Select X and Y spacing, or angular and radial values for a polar grid.