
You can find any tool by the Menu Structure HERE: https://turbocaddoc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TC20UG/Menu+Structure

You can find the menu location of any tool by name HERE: https://turbocaddoc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TC20UG/Tools+Mapped+to+Menus


Available in TurboCAD Platinum only

Patterns are arrays of objects copied in specific arrangements, and controlled parametrically. Patterns of solid objects act as solid and they and/or their elements can be manipulated by 3D tools, like Bend, and patterns can be Booleaned with other 3D objects. There are five pattern tools: Array, On curve, Radial, Spherical, Cylindrical.

Associative Arrays

You can use the pattern tools to create 2D and 3D arrays of 2D objects, 3D objects and blocks. Update the arrays in arrangement, number, columns, levels, and rows.