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Available in TurboCAD Platinum only


The ePack utility is designed to encapsulate in one location all the external files associated with a drawing. This includes Xrefs, material images, linked images, fonts, and other referenced files.

Once activated you must specify the following:

  • Package type: This can be either a Folder of a Zip.
  • Include options: You may choose to include or exclude:
    • SHX fonts – a standard for DWG files
    • True Type Fonts – Standard for Windows files.
    • Textures – Images which are used to create materials
    • File References – Xrefs and all other referenced files
  • Package folder: This is the location where the new folder or zip will be created.

Lastly you may use the Current Drawing tree and specifically select/deselect items that you wish to be packed.
When you click the Save button the folder or zip will be created and all files, including the drawing, will be packed.