Editing Linear Objects
This manual serves as the User Guide for all TurboCAD LTE 6 / DoubleCAD 5 Products
Editing Linear Objects
In addition to adding, deleting, or moving nodes, there are several Edit Tool features unique to linear objects.
Di viding a Line Segment
Adds nodes to a line or line segment, breaking it into a polyline composed of segments of equal length. Double lines and multi lines can also be divided.
- Use the Edit Tool on the object you want to divide.
- Right-click over the segment you want to divide, and select Divide Segment from the local menu. Enter the number of segments.
- You can now drag any of the new nodes to create new line segments.
Hid ing or Showing a Line Segment
Applies only to single-line segments.
- Use the Edit Tool on the object whose segment you want to hide.
- Right-click over the segment you want to hide, and select Hide Segment from the local menu. The segment is no longer displayed.
- To show the segment again, select Show Segment from the local menu.
Fil leting Two Line Segments
Adds an arc connecting two line segments, creating a fillet.
- Use the Edit Tool on the multi-segmented object you want to fillet (polyline, rectangle, polygon, etc.).
- Enter the fillet radius in the Inspector Bar.
- Right-click on the node to fillet and select Insert Arc.
Modi fying Line Widths
- Use the Edit Tool on the line object (line, rectangle, polygon, etc.) whose width you want to change. Arc segments of polylines can be edited as well.
- Right-click and select *E . Drag an endpoint to widen it, or enter the width in the Inspector Bar.
Closi ng and Opening Endpoints of Double Lines
Creates or removes a start or end cap of a double line. This can also be controlled in the double line's Properties - see Double Line Properties.
- Use the Edit Tool on the double line object whose endpoint you want to close.
- Right-click on the end node, and select *Cl .
- To open the endpoint, select O pen Double End.
Modifying Double Line Intersections
Right-click on the intersection node you want to modify. For the options, see Double Line Options.
, multiple selections available,