MultiLanding Stair by Path

 (Available in TurboCAD Pro and Pro Platinum only)
Creates stair basded on a pre-existing 2D Polyline compose of line segments. Don't use arc segments. 3D polylines may be used but only their x, y coordinate geometry will be used in the creation of the stair.

  1. In World Plan draw a plyline that will bes used to create the stair.
  2. Activate MultiLanding Stair by Path and open the Properties to the Stair page. This example shows 1/4 Landing. The remaining parameters control the vertical and horizontal dimensions of each stair. Close Properties.
    For most multilanding stairs 1/4 landing is the best option.

    Note: Other stair properties, such as tread and riser thickness, nosing length, and materials can be set using the Style Manager. See Stairs Styles. Once you have styles defined, you can set a stair's style in the General page of the Properties.
  3. Click on the polyline.
  4. A preview of the stair will appear.
  5. Right click and select Fiinish to complete the stair.

Stair with reference polyline.

Modified to 1/2 Landing.