Display – Facets

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Display – Facets

Not Yet Implemented

  • Bitmap marks
    • Aperture (5…50) pixels
  • Selected Facets
    • Show form building edges
    • Highlight color while editing the UV Graphics

Bitmap marks Apperture (5…50) pixels Correct spelling = Aperture – These options are not done yet. They will be done if there is time for them. The main idea is to reduce the number of marks (of which there can be hundreds of thousands). There are two approaches: either not to show at all, or to show only those that get into the aperture. Aperture size, in pixels, can be assigned by user.

Show form building edges - The main idea is to improve visualization of selected facets. The pictures show it Off/On, respectively. 

Highlight color while editing the UV Grapfics Correct spelling = Graphics – The main idea is to show the user, which facets correspond to the selected 2D part objects while editing the latter. The pictures show it Off/On, respectively.