Using Multiple Images
You can find any tool by the Menu Structure HERE: https://turbocaddoc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TC21UG/Menu+Structure
You can find the menu location of any tool by name HERE: https://turbocaddoc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TC21UG/Tools+Mapped+to+Menus
Using Multiple Images
You can map multiple images to a 3D object. To do so follow these steps:
- Create a unique material for each image you wish to use.
- Insert each image you wish to use into the drawing.
- Use the Facet Editor to assign the correct material to each facet as needed.
- Select the Facet Editor.
- Select the facet(s) you wish to modify.
- Right click and select Propeties from the local menu.
- Navigate to the Materials page and assign the desired material. Then click OK.
- Map the correct image to each facet(s) as needed.
, multiple selections available,