Left Side Toolbar

Left Side Toolbar

The Toolbar on the left side can display three different tool sets. Draw Tools, Measure Tools and Drone Tools.

Draw Tools


The Sketch tool allows users to draw freehand with a finger or stylus. Tap and drag to draw on a map or image. The sketch tool is available in both the Draw, and Measure toolsets.


Autoshape interpolates shapes from freehand drawings. Tap and drag to draw, when you release a shape will be interpolated from your sketch. The AutoShape tool is available in both the Draw, and Measure toolsets.

Revision Cloud

Creates a revision cloud. Tap and drag around the area you wish to highlight. 


Creates connected line segments. Tap once to start, add additional segments with a single tap. Tap the first point to close the entity or double tap to leave an open polyline. Also works with tap and drag.


Draws a rectangular entity. Tap opposite corners to define the size of the rectangle. 


Draws a circle. Tap to define the center o of the circle, then tap again to define the radius. Tap and drag will enlarge a circle from its center dragging the circumference.

Highlight Pen

Draws a thick partially transparent line. Tap and drag, or tap sequentially to draw a line. 

Toolset Switch

Opens the toolset switch allowing you to switch between the three different toolsets. The Toolset Switch is available in all three toolsets.


Undo the last operation. Undo is available in all three toolsets.


Redo the last undone operation. Redo is available in all three toolsets.

Measure Tools


Overlay text on maps or pictures. Tap once to place text start then again for angle.

Leader Text

Creates a text box with leader arrow. Tap once toplace arrow then again to place text box. Tap and drag can also be used.


Measures length displaying a tradditional dimension. Can be placed using sequintial taps or taop and drag.


Measures angle displaying a tradiional dimension. First tap places center of angle, sequintial taps place sides of angle. 


Displays area and perimiter measurment of bound area. Tap sequitioally to create a bound in area.

Drone Tools

Polyline path

Creates a waypoint path using a polyline. Behaves like polyline.

Rectangle Path

Creates a 4 point path using a rectangle. Draw this path just like you would a rectangle.

Circle Path

Creates a ten point path in a circular pattern. Draw this path just like you would a circle.

Connect Path

Connects an open path created by polyline path tool. WIth path selected tap this icon to connect endpoints. 

Reorder Path

Reverses the order of wapoints in selected path. With path selcted tap this icon to reverse the order of waypoints.


The toolset switch allows switching toolsets of the leftside toolbar.


Switches to the draw toolset.


Switches to the measure toolset.


Switches to the Drone toolset.

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