Working with PDFs in Version 1

Working with PDFs in Version 1

Viewing PDFs

Turbo View & Convert provides several tools for viewing your PDFs. To navigate through your document, use the VCR buttons in the bottom toolbar or scroll through the document with your mouse.


Mouse Interaction Modes

There are three modes that you can use to interact with the document, shown by the PDF Mouse Modes icons. The modes are text, hand, and graphic selection. Text allows you to select and copy text to the clipboard, shown in the screen shot above. The hand tool allows you to grab and move the document. The graphic selection mode allows you to select a rectangular portion of the document and then copy it to the clipboard by right-clicking the selection and choosing Copy, as shown below.


The resulting graphic can be pasted into programs such as Microsoft Paint.


Searching PDFs

You can search your PDF by typing text into the Search field and typing <Enter>. You can select the Search field either by clicking it, by choosing View -> Find... from the application menu, or by using the Ctrl+F key shortcut. To search for the next occurrence, hit <Enter> again or use the F3 function key.


Exporting PDF Text

While PDF files cannot be edited or saved, you can export the text within PDF files to a plain text file. The PDF engine uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to recognize text and generally does a good job. However, the text that is captured may not be perfect. To export the text, choose File -> Save As... or click the Save As.. button in the toolbar.

Printing PDFs

To print a document, simply choose File -> Print... from the application menu. A standard print dialog displays, allowing you to choose which pages to print, the number of copies, and which target device to use for printing.


Saving PDF Pages to JPEG

One great feature of Turbo View & Convert is the ability to export PDF pages as JPEG images. To export a particular page, just navigate to the page and click the Save Page to JPG... button in the toolbar.


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