Working with Spreadsheets in Version 1

Working with Spreadsheets in Version 1

Viewing Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are displayed in a fashion similar to Microsoft Excel. You can page through worksheets using the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet pane, and you can view the contents of individual cells in the top toolbar. We should note that there are some limitations for viewing spreadsheets. In particular, charts and other graphics are not supported. Therefore, if your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet contains these elements, they will not be displayed. However, cell formatting, including fonts and colors, as well as formulas, are supported.

Printing Spreadsheets

To print a spreadsheet, choose File → Print... from the application menu or click the Print Preview button on the spreadsheet toolbar. A standard print dialog displays, allowing you to choose the pages to print, the target printer, and other standard print options.

Saving and Exporting Spreadsheets

Even though there is limited support for editing spreadsheets, you can still save or convert them to CSV and HTML formats. To save the spreadsheet in CSV or HTML format, choose File → Save As... or click the Save As.. button in the toolbar and select your output format.


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