IFC Export and BIM
IFC stands for Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). This is a standard data model used to describe data for the building and construction industries
It is a platform neutral, open file format specification commonly used collaboration format for Building information modeling (BIM).
The following Items are exported to IFC:
- Architectural objects Architecture Tools
- Custom Properties Custom Properties, Database, and Reports
- Property Sets Property Set Definitions
The data is mapped as follows:
TurboCAD Object | IFC Object |
Beam | IfcBeam |
Column | IfcColumn |
Drawing | IfcProject IfcPropertySet(Pset_ProjectCommon) IfcPropertySet(Pset_BuildingCommon) IfcPropertySet(Pset_BuildingStoreyCommon) |
Wall | IfcWallStandardCase |
Wall style | IfcMatarial |
Window | IfcOpening |
Window style | IfcWindowLiningProperties IfcWindowPanelProperties IfcPropertySet(Pset_WindowCommon) IfcPropertySet(Pset_DoorWindowGlazingType) |
Door | IfcOpening IfcDoor |
Door style | IfcDoorLiningProperties IfcDoorPanelProperties IfcPropertySet(Pset_DoorCommon) IfcPropertySet(Pset_DoorWindowGlazingType) |
Slab | IfcSlab |
Slab style | IfcMaterial |
Stair | IfcStair |
Stair style | IfcPropertySet(Pset_StairCommon) |
Rail | IfcRailing |
Rail style | IfcPropertySet(Pset_RailingCommon) |
Roof | IfcRoof |
Roof style | IfcMaterial |
Landscape | IfcBuildingElementProxy |
Other 3D objects | IfcBuildingElementProxy |
Layer | IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle |
Custom properties | IfcPropertySet(TC_Pset_Custom) |
Property set | IfcPropertySet(property set definition name ) |