

IFC's are the  international open BIM standard.

Enabling IFC BIM data allows you to use the property set that are part of IFC standard.

You can choose property set from selection info palette in general option.

You can set  or get data about IFC file

Data about person ,Organization Whose created IFC file.

You can  create building story that can access in BIM tool to specify spatial structure element to entity.

BIM Tool 


BIM tool allows:

  • Edit property sets attached to entities imported from IFC.
  • Define any TC entity as the desired IFC entity and set for it appropriate property sets to export it to IFC.

 BIM Tool workflow:

Select any entity in TC drawing by the tool.

If the entity hasn't the defined IFC type: Define the IFC type to the selected entity.

BIM Tool allows specify spatial structure element to entity by Belong to dropdown list that is created in IFC BIM Data(BuildingStory).

Set property sets that are appropriate for the selected IFC type.

Edit  Property set  according to selected IFC type .You  can also edit or reset IFC type.

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