Step 2- Attach Custom Properties to Objects

Step 2- Attach Custom Properties to Objects

1. Select the object whose custom properties you want to define. If multiple objects have the same custom properties, such as the cubes below, select them all.

2. Open the Properties to the Custom page. Click Attach at the bottom of the window.

3. Select all of the custom properties and click OK.

4. Now the properties appear on the Custom page. Fill in the Value for each part.

You can also enter or change custom properties in the Selection Info palette.

5. The previous values were for the two cubes (Part Number 1); the values below are for the large disc (Part Number 2).

6. These values are for the six support cylinders (Part Number 3).

7. To verify that the custom properties were properly attached, select one of the objects.

8. Then select Tools / Database / Edit Object Data. You can update values in this table, if needed.