Status - Punch Item

Status - Punch Item

The Status field marks the current state of the item.

Tap the Status field to go to the State window.

Tap on any of the listed states to select it.

You can edit the available states.

Editing Punch List States

First make sure you are in the State window. Then tap the Edit button.

Tap on the state you wish to edit.

Tap on the Name field to edit the name. Then type in the correct name and press Done on the keyboard.

Tap on the color field to edit the color. the Color palette will appear, tap a color to designate it for the state.

Tap Done or Cancel to exit editing the state.

Adding States

 First make sure you are in the State window. 

Click on the Plus icon at the bottom of the list.

Tap on the Name field to add the name. Then type in the correct name and press Done on the keyboard.

Tap on the color field to edit the color. the Color palette will appear, tap a color to designate it for the state.

To complete adding tap the Done button at the top of the edit screen, or tap Cancel.

Deleting States

First make sure you are in the State window. 

Click on the Minus icon adjacent to State name to be deleted.

When the highlighted Delete button appears tap it to confirm the deletion.

Deleted States are deleted from the current drawing only.