


To send a message and a file, or just a message choose Mail.

To send just a file, use Mail, Dropbox, or box.net.

NOTE: The methods available will depend upon the delivery systems you have setup on your device. Email is always available.


Once you have select the means of delivery you will be prompted to select the recipients.You can toggle between selecting Groups or selecting individuals.

Once you have selected your recipients tap Next.

You will be presented with the mode for attaching the file, if any.

If you selected Mail as your send method you will have the following options:

  • Original file (DWG) - This sends the original file, without markup data, to the desired location.
  • Screenshot (JPG) - This send a screenshot of the current view to the desired location.
  • TurboApps File (TAP) - This sends a TAP file to the desired location. TAP files include all mark up and attached data.
  • Markups only (DWG) - This sends the markups, without the original file, to the desired location. Attachments are note sent.
  • No Attachment - This allows you to send just a message via email without adding an attachment..

If you selected did not choose Mail as your send method you will have the following options:

  • Original file (DWG) - This sends the original file, without markup data, to the desired location.
  • Screenshot (JPG) - This send a screenshot of the current view to the desired location.
  • TurboApps File (TAP) - This sends a TAP file to the desired location. TAP files include all mark up and attached data.
  • Markups only (DWG) - This sends the markups, without the original file, to the desired location. Attachments are note sent.

Once you have selected the mode of attachment you will enter the standard interface for using the Send method you select earlier. If you selected Mail, for example, you will see the Mail interface. Proceed in the normal fashion with the sending application. When complete you will be returned to the TurboApp.