The Report Template

The Report Template

You can customize the manner in which a report is generated by editing the Report Template. This customization is limited to a few items.


To create a custom report, edit the “ReportTemplate.pdf” in your TurboSite Documents folder.

To replace/edit/add the ReportTemplate.pdf, use the iTunes sync method using your desktop computer.

To edit a .PDF you can use Adobe’s free Acrobat on your Windows or Mac PC.


Download Free Acrobat 8 at the following link:


You can also use the linked Word Doc to modify the report layout.


Once you have made the desired modifications in the word file:

  1. Save as it as ReportTemplate.pdf.
  2. Send it to the your TurboSite device via mail.
  3. Open the new template in TurboSite
  4. Then save the file.
  5. You will be prompted about overwriting the existing template, allow the overwrite to occur.


Blue fields and items in Brackets [ ] should not be modified and are used as variables.